Well the bands 11 meters or CB is going to be dead for skip for a few years but there is what is called openings at which time your CB could transmit all most around the planet for a few day but it will be mostly closed ..That all said the CB is cheap to buy the new one are small there great for short range in bush 5 to 10 km no permits needed used to be xm-135502 long gone now .CB radio is what got me started in Ham radio now VE7SHM and mostly why i use a 2 meter radio (VHF) i probably should put a CB in my tracker but i have a hard time keep the vhf antenna on lost a few out mt Brenton and the old stainless cb whips are get hard to find but great cb/ham antennas .........
350 km on CB not now you wont 10 and 11 meter have been closed from beginning of summer you need skip condition to get pass about 15 to 35 km with a cb and we are heading into a low sun spot cycle for the next few years so no skip ......All the ham bands are going dead now also ....Vhf hand held radio should all talk to each other as long as there programed properly do the programing from the radio is a bitch needs to be done with usb cord and some software ............The cb emergency channel are not monitored ( REACT ) is long gone they used to monitor channel 9 but not on the Island for years .....
I have a working 23 Chanel AM and SSB mode 11 meter band CB Mobil if some one wants one free i repaired it for some one two years ago don't think there coming back . SSB mode with CB radio will give you alot more Range than AM mode if your just BSing with your buddy CB are great but almost useless in an emergency no range and no one is monitoring cb any more .... I was out in nit nat and could bring up ve7rsi repeater on salt spring island far out of any cell range or cb .........Pic is of the cb i have here freebee older but has more out put than most been twerked......
Well the bands 11 meters or CB is going to be dead for skip for a few years but there is what is called openings at which time your CB could transmit all most around the planet for a few day but it will be mostly closed ..That all said the CB is cheap to buy the new one are small there great for short range in bush 5 to 10 km no permits needed used to be xm-135502 long gone now .CB radio is what got me started in Ham radio now VE7SHM and mostly why i use a 2 meter radio (VHF) i probably should put a CB in my tracker but i have a hard time keep the vhf antenna on lost a few out mt Brenton and the old stainless cb whips are get hard to find but great cb/ham antennas .........
350 km on CB not now you wont 10 and 11 meter have been closed from beginning of summer you need skip condition to get pass about 15 to 35 km with a cb and we are heading into a low sun spot cycle for the next few years so no skip ......All the ham bands are going dead now also ....Vhf hand held radio should all talk to each other as long as there programed properly do the programing from the radio is a bitch needs to be done with usb cord and some software ............The cb emergency channel are not monitored ( REACT ) is long gone they used to monitor channel 9 but not on the Island for years .....
I have a working 23 Chanel AM and SSB mode 11 meter band CB Mobil if some one wants one free i repaired it for some one two years ago don't think there coming back . SSB mode with CB radio will give you alot more Range than AM mode if your just BSing with your buddy CB are great but almost useless in an emergency no range and no one is monitoring cb any more .... I was out in nit nat and could bring up ve7rsi repeater on salt spring island far out of any cell range or cb .........Pic is of the cb i have here freebee older but has more out put than most been twerked......
My radio
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