I can't remember the name of that shaft i have the info on it here some-were got it from mine-files ....There is another shaft about 150 above that one not as long but interesting up the road heading to the town sites there is the old dump site on same side as the shaft your talking about .....there is lots more old mines up there to see just got to look around ....The King Richard Shaft is still open or was last i checked its vertical depth not sure worth a look if your brave was told there is a mine car in it still i have never seen it ......This is the last mine i found up there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpK2QKoq3xE i will post the gps file on it there is more just not filed them all ............There was two town sites Lenora was the lower one .Tyee was the next one up there was 3 big mine company all chasing the same seam up the hill ...My first time up there was still buildings last time logged the destroy all of it ...............
Well the 2 meter ham band you do need a license and there is a course that you must take to use and that is VHF........... Many use the LADDS or also called the BS Chanel s in the bush i hear hunters logging truck drivers and long haul drivers on the Ladds and your right there is no course but the radio is supposed to be licensed to a specific frequency or set of ... On Vancouver Island we have a set of repeaters from one end to the other i can on my VHF (2 meter Radio ) in my Tracker talk to some one on a hand held in Port Hardy using the repeaters ........CB radio can can during skip conditions reach thousands of miles i have done this many times on the ten meter band which is much the same as CB or 11 meter band what ever you like to call it .............
My wife and i are up there most Sunday shooting or just looking around usually we head out 12 or so was up copper canyon main testing keys today .............
Nice Jeep ,Theres not many places around there not gated off now i gave up on that area when the mountain bike crowed caused the problems 25 years ago long story.......So i am not familiar with were the guys on here go out there very familiar with Duncan north and east... Mount Prevost will keep you busy for a week looking around trails from easy to med to your nuts and from there you can reach MT Sicker ,Hill 60 ,MT Breton and so on ................
I can't remember the name of that shaft i have the info on it here some-were got it from mine-files ....There is another shaft about 150 above that one not as long but interesting up the road heading to the town sites there is the old dump site on same side as the shaft your talking about .....there is lots more old mines up there to see just got to look around ....The King Richard Shaft is still open or was last i checked its vertical depth not sure worth a look if your brave was told there is a mine car in it still i have never seen it ......This is the last mine i found up there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpK2QKoq3xE i will post the gps file on it there is more just not filed them all ............There was two town sites Lenora was the lower one .Tyee was the next one up there was 3 big mine company all chasing the same seam up the hill ...My first time up there was still buildings last time logged the destroy all of it ...............
Well the 2 meter ham band you do need a license and there is a course that you must take to use and that is VHF........... Many use the LADDS or also called the BS Chanel s in the bush i hear hunters logging truck drivers and long haul drivers on the Ladds and your right there is no course but the radio is supposed to be licensed to a specific frequency or set of ... On Vancouver Island we have a set of repeaters from one end to the other i can on my VHF (2 meter Radio ) in my Tracker talk to some one on a hand held in Port Hardy using the repeaters ........CB radio can can during skip conditions reach thousands of miles i have done this many times on the ten meter band which is much the same as CB or 11 meter band what ever you like to call it .............
My wife and i are up there most Sunday shooting or just looking around usually we head out 12 or so was up copper canyon main testing keys today .............
Nice Jeep ,Theres not many places around there not gated off now i gave up on that area when the mountain bike crowed caused the problems 25 years ago long story.......So i am not familiar with were the guys on here go out there very familiar with Duncan north and east... Mount Prevost will keep you busy for a week looking around trails from easy to med to your nuts and from there you can reach MT Sicker ,Hill 60 ,MT Breton and so on ................
pics from up Sicker and prevost MT

Any time