Camping with a view (pics)

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theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley
Camping with a view (pics)

We did some exploring on the weekend and ended up finding a pretty awesome spot to camp. We woke up at ~3500 ft looking out over the mountains. This is why I don't camp in public camp sites ;)

The trail in is very easy but quite overgrown. You could almost make it with a 2wd, aside from one small washout where you might get stuck. There was a rock slide covering half the road at one point, but we moved a few big boulders so it should be easier for the next guy. There are a few very narrow sections which are a bit intimidating, one wrong turn and you would be plummeting to your death! I've attached GPS tracks starting from the gravel road in Youbou.

There is also a lake up there, which we tried to hike to but couldn't find. Now that I'm looking at Google earth I can see that we were close - we'll try again next time.

On to the pics!

Leaflet | Map data © Google
GPS file (Google Earth): 
Fatty's picture


That looks like a sweet trip.

Trackick's picture


Wow what a place! I haven't done any exploring out that way before, maybe this is a sign I need to start! You guys sure went a long way, impressive.

Fatty's picture


Have you guys done anymore trips??.....anything at all??

When the "bastard" is done I would like to join up sometime and do some exploring out there.

Ryno's picture


I have been right near there via Nanaimo lakes rd, nice area for sure. Wouldn't mind exploring out that way some more.

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

Just got back from holidays so I haven't been out wheeling in a while. I'd be up for more exploring up there for sure if anyone wants to meet up one of these days. I want to hike up and find the lake too!

Gear Low Drive Slow's picture

Jay Million

Reviving this thread.

Needed a good spot for camping this weekend, and I remembered reading this thread!
Gonna give the road a go saturday, anyone tried it recently?

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

Been dying to get back up there at some point. Great camping spot. You may run into some impassible gates right now, as I know much of that area is currently closed off. Let us know how it goes though and take pictures if you're able to get up there!

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

Jay did you end up making it?

aaol1's picture


Hey i actually was up in that area a few months ago, but according to the backroads mapbook, theres a gate right at the bottom of your trail. im guessing i could all timberlands and check if its open?

EDIT: just double checked and that gate i saw is on another trail, but you said there might be some impassable gates? do you know anything mroe about that?

Gear Low Drive Slow's picture

Jay Million

Nope didn't make it. Gated as expected. Saw a couple bears en route which was neato. Will have to try again another time.

aaol1's picture


damn we are planning on trying to go up this weekend and check it out, where was the gate?

Gear Low Drive Slow's picture

Jay Million

This is where the gate was. No way to get around it either, as it was on a bridge. It was definitely closed to due to the fire ban, so maybe it'll be open this time. I'm definitely going to try and go back, so it would be great to hear how the trail is.

aaol1's picture


yea i think the fire ban was only lifted last weekend right? it might be open! any idea if its timberlands or timberwest? i could give them a call before heading out

aaol1's picture


were going saturday, probably late morning ish if anyone is interested!

Gear Low Drive Slow's picture

Jay Million

Not sure who owns it, dnot recall seeing a sign or anything. Good luck!

Beer-n-Meat's picture


Island Timberlands is owned by Timberwest.
Here's contact info

aaol1's picture


just gave em a call, shes gona get back to me!

aaol1's picture


Arg so she told me it's closed cuz of fire risk still, that sucks :/

jas's picture


Anyone been to Marcus Lake? Its near the gps route.

eviled's picture


Last time I was there (November), it was freshly gated at the bottom. If you find a work around, PM me.

Black Betty's picture


i was up there about a year ago and it was really easy to get to but heavy logging up at the top

Kiwiboy's picture


looks like a sweet trail!. Whats the rules regarding access to these spots? iv seen some trails with open gates, but I'm worried if go in that some one will lock me in or il come across an angry logger!,

jas's picture


Kiwiboy I'm pretty sure there's no gates blocking the location posted above.
I was asking about the Marcus lake. There is a gate there blocking the access to it.

aaol1's picture


yea actually Jas this was the one I had called awhile back and she said it was gated ( at the time) so I dont know if that was permanent or not, but there is a gate for sure! just passing on info :)

Trail Limo's picture


Don't mind Jas he's on the pipe again. The gate these guys are talking about is the gate at the 7k bridge on nitnat ml. They are really cracking down in that area in the last few years. Expect that gate to be locked unless they are active logging and remember when the finish work they will often lock the gate. We encountered someone locked behind it on a Sunday a couple summers ago after they came in to camp on Saturday. That said there was a bypass last time I did it, but it's a hidden quad trail nowhere near the bridge and depending on the time of year may be impassable.

aaol1's picture


haha just blasting poor jas :P its okay dude were all friends ( I think?) :P yea thats what I thought too, its really too bad...because that area looks fantastic

Trail Limo's picture


Hey can take it, right fruitcake? (I'm so getting punched in the nuts next time we go wheeling haha) It is a great area, it's really too bad. I've been camping out there for almost 10 years, I'll be doing a full day loop run soon that reveals a couple of my secrets ;)

Kiwiboy's picture


do you need a permit or have to pay for a key?? if not, whats the general rule, if the track has a gate stay out?

aaol1's picture


currently as far as I know theres no access to keys, unless you know someone that works for logging and has them and stuff. Theres no permit you can get either ( I think?) ( I havent heard of any) but if theres a gate, technically that means stay out. But, I know areas that have old gates that are still locked from a long time ago, with obvious bypasses right beside them, and no one cares, and I know gates ( like the watershed areas, which are run by CRD) that if you bypass those and get caught...its not going to be a good day

Kiwiboy's picture


That's what I'm afraid of, coming across some angry person on the trail, I've done some looking around southern end of the island and there's not much in the way of trails, went up to Campbell river and there's trails galore with no gates, a few trails had signs that said this is An unmaintained enter at own risk, it was awesome!.

aaol1's picture


There's def trails south island, just gotta know where. Mill bay, Duncan, cowichan, shawnigan, renfrew, all have many trails

Black Betty's picture


anyone kow about the gate to tuck lake on the turn just before the gate on the main?

Trail Limo's picture


It's been locked everytime I've been out there lately after a fucking loser cut down a giant old cedar right at the boat launch into the lake. :(

Black Betty's picture


oh really...was about a year ago i went up and was all open was thinking about taking the family up for the long weekend and camp a few nights and do some fishing. guess thats another spot i can't go anymore....gota love people now days that just have to fuck with shit

Trail Limo's picture


Yeah they were active along there last year so it was open but it's locked up again unless it's been cut again. I'll be out that way for the long weekend too, hoping to get the jeep out there first to see how things are looking and if I can get the diesel to my site or not.

aaol1's picture


that sucks man, tired of the bunch of idiots who dump garbage and do this shit to ruin it for everyone else...really wish they had a good system in place to let forums and groups with keys, and logins and logouts of the area so they know who was there and stuff... yea, keep us posted on you guys journeys in the area! info sharing is cool

Black Betty's picture


ya i'm going to be taking my dads truck 2009 ram3500 to take the whole family or will have to have the wifes car come up if i take mine so not able to get into a lot of my spots might have to put a few hours on the logging roads to get past where all the party sights and go to where i know no one goes and find a lake we can camp and fish at. just said seeing all my old spots shut down from dumb shit now days. oh well is what it is maybe i'll see you out there.

Trail Limo's picture


I've been doing the same, have had to push farther in a few times over the last ten years out there as my spots get discovered. We'll probably be in my white gmc and on the blue and camo yami quads pretty hard to miss with the ridgeback on board haha. If you see me flag me down for a complimentary beverage :D

aaol1's picture


haha well if theres complimentary beverages, im heading out too! jks ;) yea were aiming for a carmanah / bamfield 2 day camp trip for long weekend, hopefully weather is nice!

Black Betty's picture


i'll be in my dads white 09 ram3500 with a trailer made from my 91 f250's long box (red/black) come say hi if you see me think i will be out nitinat bamfield area. if anyone knows any good spots to camp and fish there late me know. i have a few spots myself but always up for looking at new ones. can't get into alot of my spots with my dads truck that i take mine into. putting mine up for sale this weekend tho and going to start a new build so i can take the whole family in my truck. may take a few years but will be fun :)

aaol1's picture


how much do you think youll ask for dave? and thats awesome maybe ill see you out there haha! I dont know much for fishing, but were going to be looking for a camp spot in bamfield area, never been yet!

Beer-n-Meat's picture


So I haven't spent anytime reading through this thread just because I'm further North. Just thought I'd leave some info that I have answers for that I didn't see answered previously.
Basically from Sooke to Qualicum is owned by Timberwest and is all private property, Once you get further North of that you will find less gates but still privately owned land as there is no / very little Crown land on the island. (Shady railroad deals done in the past did this). Timberwest rents out gate keys in certain areas but not to just anyone, basically they have excluded all off-roading groups i.e. mountain bikers, quaders, side x side, buggies etc.
If you are a gold minor, prospector or carry a firewood permit then you have access to a lot of gated areas (more so if you are a prospector) however last time I checked into this the keys were $400.00 per year **non refundable** and then another $160.00 per year paper processing fee.

Hope this helps.

aaol1's picture


yea weve been talking about this on vi toyota on facebook, but didnt know that they wont lend out to any offroading groups

Beer-n-Meat's picture


This is a Quote from Timberwest.

Who Can Apply For a TimberWest Land Use Agreement?

Examples of Land Use Agreement holders include mountain bike race organizers, utility companies, and recreational groups.
•TimberWest will accept Land Use Agreement applications from clubs or other organized groups who have sufficient liability insurance and can detail the location, date/s and duration of their access request.
•At this time, TimberWest cannot process access requests from individuals. Only requests for access from organized groups or clubs that meet TimberWest requirements will be considered.
•At this time, TimberWest cannot accept access requests for the use of off-highway vehicles, including motorcycles and ATV’s, on its private managed forest lands. TimberWest considers off-highway vehicles incompatible with timber harvesting operations and related activities, and is concerned for public safety, potential for degradation of habitat, and risk of wildfire that off-highway vehicles present.

Here's the link

aaol1's picture


yea potential for degradation of were the ones causing all that! but thanks!

Beer-n-Meat's picture


No problem...if you know any mechanics that work for logging outfits most will have keys. Problem is With so many outfits logging the island it seems keys differ depending on what part of the island you wheel where as before if you had access to a key you were golden pretty much anywhere you went.

aaol1's picture


yea thats always the case eh, getting to know mechanics and people on the inside!

Black Betty's picture


hey sam i have still not worked out what i'm going to be taking off the truck for my next build and what i will sell with it. was thinking i would ask around $4500 tho then i will have money to start another build. are you looking or know anyone that is. i'm still having a hard time putting it up for sale tho since it was my first truck i ever got and had it my whole many good times and trips but its just time for me to get something that can take the whole family out so i can show the kids life outside the city.

aaol1's picture


hey dave! no im not personally looking for anything, but ill keep an open ear for anyone interested! yea its tough to sell the first one, or one youve had alot of times with haha

Black Betty's picture


ya and i want to build a crew cab short box with the same body that they made up to 97 but a really hard truck to find so dont want to sell mine and not have a truck for the summer but need the money in the bank so when the right one comes up a can jump on it right away. might have to go with an early 2000's but just dont like them as much as the old ones. the wife likes the new ones tho and easier to find so may end up that way.

aaol1's picture


Oh nice, Yea I didn't even know they made quad cab short box! My roomate has a 95 single cab short box, pretty sweet. Well I hope your able to at least have one truck ready to go at all times! Haha

Old smokey's picture


Looks awesome! We're heading up around tuck lake this weekend, might explore further and see if we can find the spot. Looks like its at the very head of the nitinat river then up the valley side? Also has anybody checked out the crashed bomber north of flora lake?

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