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1989 Suzuki LJ-80 and1982 Suzuki SJ-410

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 1996 X-90

My pair of rare Suzuki's

Author: Turboricky
Views: 360
Replies: 2
Updated 8 years 4 months ago by Turboricky

Recent Comments

Got mine in the mail today. thanks Shane.

8 years 3 months ago in vioffroad.com bumper stickers

You might have heard about the off road racing track in Port Alberni. People are allowed to race whatever street legal vehicle they want for certain races but it's closed when there isn't an event.

8 years 4 months ago in Off road park?

Nice Jimmy. It reminds me of one I used to own. Same colour and engine. I think it's even the same year. Mine was bought in Courtenay and was an ex forestry truck and you could still faintly make out the ministry of forests logo on the doors. It would be quite a coincidence if it was the same truck. They are great little 4x4s. The votec V6 put out more than enough power.

8 years 4 months ago in Hey Guys!

I would love a couple stickers. I don't mind paying if they can be shipped to port alberni. Just pm me how much. (If that's possible) thanks.

8 years 4 months ago in vioffroad.com bumper stickers

Hi HockeyMom. Welcome to the forum. I am pretty new here as well but have had many 4x4s over the years. I personally like to stay away from major modifications. I have found from my personal experience that usually your vehicle will perform better and break down less if you leave it the way it is. Just put the biggest tires you can fit without a lift. If you have 37s then I don't think you need to go any bigger. Although lights look cool, if you aren't driving at night then it's just something that will easily get broken if you drive on a lot of overgrown roads (just my opinion). I think the most useful mods would be heavy-duty bumpers, good tow hooks, and a winch.

8 years 4 months ago in Brand new to off roading with H2