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Tires ratings are stupid.

Author: Stoves
Views: 214
Replies: 12
Updated 6 years 7 months ago by Stocklocker

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Thanks stocklocker, the plys/ load rating was throwing me. If a 6 ply tire is doable on resource/ logging roads, what load index/ rating would that be? 112? 118? That's the part that confuses me.


6 years 7 months ago in Tires ratings are stupid.

We have been out twice so far, went solo but stayed on well traveled resource roads, saw other vehicles out and about. Took food/ first aid kit supplies and tried to make sure we were prepared for an emergency. Also kept the inlaws aware of our location/ plans. Want to go out more, but am making sure I do it the right way. Grown me is way more responsible than young me. Cant imagine what situation I'd put my self if it was twenty years ago. Lol

6 years 7 months ago in Tires ratings are stupid.

I agree! It's convincing my wife that's the problem.

Thanks again for the pointers guys.

6 years 7 months ago in Tires ratings are stupid.

Awesome news Lauchlin, really looking forward to exploring this beautiful island of ours. The big issue too, is the buddy who said we need to upgrade our tires put fear into my wife. She called a couple tire shops and asked the same question, they all said gotta have ten ply, course they all want to sell tires for a living so I figured I'd ask on here. I said I'd check but I was pretty sure we'd be okay if we stuck to logging/ resource roads and took it easy. Being new to this I'd be taking it easy anyways. Just so I understand better, If I let air out, the tire will be softer. Would the worry about a flat increase as it would be more prone to deflection/ pinch flats? Or, being softer it would roll over terrain better, making less of a chance for a flat. How much would you recommend letting out? Sorry to keep pestering but have a ton of questions.

Thanks, and really appreciate the help.

6 years 7 months ago in Tires ratings are stupid.

Thank you for the response, I've read that it's a rough ride when going up to a stiffer tire. Brought that up with a guy at a local tire shop and he said lower your air pressure on the roads/ highways. Softer ride but worse mileage I'm guessing. If I stuck to the better graded main's/ resource roads, on what I'm running now, do you think there would be a big risk of a flat?

6 years 7 months ago in Tires ratings are stupid.