Jake and the T.Rex


Member for
9 years 11 months

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Tips for the North Island (Gold River to Cape Scott-ish)

Views: 566
Replies: 5
Updated 6 years 8 months ago by WPOW
Jake and the T.Rex's picture

Mid Island?

Views: 394
Replies: 6
Updated 9 years 8 months ago by Jake and the T.Rex

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My first window of time is between the 13th and the 24th of July. With another possible window in August. I have no firm locations during this first window set yet - the intention being to explore the area - but we will start first in the area and rec sites around Gold River.

8 years 2 months ago in Tips for the North Island (Gold River to Cape Scott-ish)

I am in and any weekend in January works for me.

9 years 8 months ago in group meet and greet

Shane, that's fun, thank you! Wesley, I will PM you now.

9 years 8 months ago in Mid Island?

Hey gang, sorry for the delayed response,just got back from a week up at Raft Cove, pretty remote and spectacular, I would highly recommend it. Anyways, Fatty, I do not have many pics aside the one on my profile and this one taken about half a second later... As for specs. It's a 2005 V8, ARB front bumper with Winch, old man emu shocks and lifted an additional 3.5 inches from stock. Centre locking diff. Oh yeah, and baby seat :) So yeah, would love to explore the Island, who is in?

9 years 11 months ago in Mid Island?