Dirt Nerd
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Well it's finally time. After nearly 6 years hard years sitting in the driveway, during which time some punk set the interior on fire (uninsured, but doused pretty quick thankfully)... it actually has a 1.9 L TDI sitting in it. Man does that engine look "new" compared to the truck! It's at the point where it still needs *everything* in order to work, but actually having an engine is a pretty big step. I have a a custom wiring harness just freshly delivered from fastforward.ca and I'm using a conversion adapter from TDConversions.com. Shout out to the latter, they're local - in Errington, and very helpful. Now I just need all the other stuff that that makes it go, like fuel, cooling, exhaust, intake... and seats!
If anyone knows anyone that would be interested in a salvage 3VZE long block and all the stuff that came off it, let me know.
What's with all the private land? Details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Railway_of_Vancouver_Island#The_La...
Effectively 10% of Vancouver Island was granted to the E&N Railway in exchange for building the railway. The railway was also one of the conditions on British Columbia joining Canada, and was originally proposed as the terminal leg of the trans-continental railway (passing through Williams Lake, across the Chilcoltin, and down Bute Inlet).
It's a huge impact to those of us who are sensitive to the legalities of being caught 4x4ing on other people's land - I for one can't afford to get tied up in any charges, it would effect my employment. I miss the good ol' days of wheeling on the mainland, where you could go almost anywhere.
Thought I'd just add that the reason you never see me is this truck became mechanically undependable (low compression, chronic clutch issues). I did get the clutch sorted out - if anyone has problems with toyotas eating master cylinders, you need to replace and reinforce the support bracket. But in the end the 3.slo up and died and it's just sitting in my driveway awaiting a TDI diesel conversion. Might be able to start that project in the winter, but it's some pretty serious work...
I still lurk here and stalk your trip reports from time to time. Once I get back up and running I'll definitely be down for some wheelin.
I sunk my old 4runner once. Right up to the front of the hood. Didn't even try to start it, took it straight to a garage. It ran for another 500 km before throwing a rod and killing the motor. Put another motor in it for $500, drove it another 8 years.
I got an ARB on the front and a custom tube on the back. The one on the back was rear-ended by a full-size and the ICBC claim amounted to new powder coating for me and about $3000 for the other guy. Came with the truck though so no idea who made it. I can post pictures if you're interested - it's pretty simple should be easy to fab.
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