Devon C


Member for
4 months 2 weeks
1989 s10

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I was out there again looking. its not where I remember it being. spent all day and a whole tank of fuel looking. is there any chance you'd be willing to show me where it is or maybe coordinates?

2 weeks 3 days ago in Going up Sicker 11 oclock

I don't know of any mines out that way but it is a lovely drive. I tried to get there last week, 18in of slush. I was tached out in 2nd gear low range going 5km/h until I started overheating and called it. i might go out in another couple weeks if you want someone to show you the way.

2 weeks 3 days ago in July 2 - Anyone want to come with to Holyoak Lake?

Just wondering if anyone know if this cabins is still around? Went there many years ago and spent a whole weekend looking. Feeling like an idiot but unless it's just gone I don't know where it would be.

4 months 2 weeks ago in Going up Sicker 11 oclock