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F-150, Polaris RZR Pro XP

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I spoke with South Island Natural Resources District this past week. All of the Gordan River Main temporary gates have been removed by Teal Jones. Almost all of the temp gates are now gone. I am told this webpage will be updated shortly. It's a good resource for knowing where new gates are and how long they will be there. There is one for each district in BC.

3 years 3 months ago in Finding a route into Gordon River Main

The best body shop I know of is in Sooke: West Coast Collision. They do good work at about the best prices you can expect these days.

3 years 3 months ago in JLU body work

I had a Ford truck with the same problem. Turned out it was an intermittent problem with the fuel pump. It would randomly starve the engine of fuel and it would cut out. After a few minutes of letting the truck sit and then trying to start it again, it eventually would. I talked to several mechanics who all said it could be caused be a few things (which I tried and eliminated):

1. Battery and/or alternator problem. Check all battery and alternator wires to ensure good connection. Remove negative/black wire while truck is running, if engine stalls, the problem is the alternator.
2. Engine ground. Check that the engine has a strong ground to the frame. This can cause a whole bunch of different problems andapparently stalling is one of them.
3. Bad engine sensor. This may not be your problem since I'd expect an OBD code and you mentioned you don't get any.

LIke I mentioned, my problem turned out to be the fuel pump which is the most difficult to trace and the last one I tried. Once it was replaced I never had the problem again. Hope some of this helps.

3 years 3 months ago in Jeep keeps breaking down

Have you found the problem that was causing your Jeep to stall? If not, I may have a couple of ideas. Some are obvious, a couple others not as much.

3 years 3 months ago in Jeep keeps breaking down