Just Out For A Rip, Sunday Oct 1, West of Sooke/East of Renfrew

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Just Out For A Rip, Sunday Oct 1, West of Sooke/East of Renfrew

I've had a cold all week and I'm finally feeling up for a boot out in the sticks but my girl has to work and bush wheeling alone without a winch is more risky and not as much fun so I've decided on a whim I'm going to head out past Sooke after breakfast and see if I can find any premium forest fungus for dinner. Other than that I have no plan and not enough energy for a real hike yet. I just need any excuse to get out for the day after being cooped up at home for so long. Rain or shine I'm goin out for a rip and if I see any chanterelles I'm pickin 'em.

So, if anyone happens to read this before I leave after breakfast and happens to be out that way and happens to want to join up for something more interesting than drive-by mushroom hunting along FSR's then I'm open to an activity plan upgrade depending how well I actually feel. I usually carry a GMRS radio on ch21 and my VHF/UHF is always monitoring LAD1 and 146.460 (BC4WD) in case you like to play marco-polo on the radio and I can also pm my mobile number to anyone who's interested in meeting up in Sooke. There's still places out that way I haven't really explored yet and I wouldn't mind taking a closer look in parts of the Muir & Tugwell blocks that I haven't poked around in yet.

Maybe see ya out there...

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