3 or 4th May

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welshy's picture

Gwyn price
3 or 4th May

Anyone want to roll...?
You can mow the Lawn another day:)

Beer-n-Meat's picture


I'm in....let me know what day and time.
Are you selling the jeep already Gwyn?

welshy's picture

Gwyn price

Cool... See what the weathers doing and pick a day - i was just putting yhe jeep out there... See if i could flip it and make a quick $G :)

IslandExploration's picture


How did the hood work out for you Welshy?

Sounds good. How about Sunday? I'd be interested in heading up from Skutz Falls, I haven't been up there for a long time. It would be great if someone knows the trails to come out. Meet say 9 Tim's at Drinkwater & TCH, grab a coffee and head out at 9:30? Thoughts.

IslandExploration's picture


Have a good trip on Sunday guys - it's a build day for me so I won't be making it out.

BeRadical's picture


Glyn, a bunch of guys and i are planing on heading out to porters canyon on sunday, if you dont hook up with the nanimo boys that is you are more than welcome. im not too sure what time we will be heading out yet

Thanks for the invite. Since no one confirmed the Skutz run that ones off for tomorrow. I'll try again, since I need to find that route for an event in June. Where's Porters Canyon? How technical?

BeRadical's picture


porters is close to hillcrest, its a nice fairly easy run, with some good water holes inclines creek bed like access road, open open and some good tires will make it and a small to mid size vehicle = no body damage its really the scenery, some cool old growth down in there. who knows we may hit up skutts and red balls afterwards.

give me a shout 7one5 oh 1 nine 4 either tonight or tomorrow in the am, probably hook up between 10- 11

welshy's picture

Gwyn price

we are meeting at nanaimo lakes road… where the hardtop ends and the gravel starts! 10.30 sunday

Ken's picture


pics of the run?

Fatty's picture


Ya pics or it didnt happen..... have to get my web wheeling on

Beer-n-Meat's picture


We had a BLAST, it was just me and Welshy that went out through the day. We hit the trail around 10:30 a.m. and came off the trail around 5:00p.m. We were all over the place including a little trail called "Twizzler" which I must say was a lot of fun, some points of the trail I actually broke into a sweat, but man was it a lot of fun. There was only 2 of us so we didn't stop for a lot of pictures but this is what I got. I'm pretty sure Gwyn got a few as well...hopefully he will post them.

Beer-n-Meat's picture


We both made it through most of the day without damage until we got into some trails that have not seen much pass through them since winter, so a lot of low hanging trees. I ended up braking my roof basket of my racks after pushing the limits but was able to reattach it, trying to leave the same trail Welshy ended up ripping his basket right off his jeep, otherwise that was it for damage. Pretty good considering the places we went.

Beer-n-Meat's picture


Hey Fatty I know you're familiar with a lot of the trails in the Nanaimo area...you know anything about a trail called "Rock Bottom" or "Warthog"

Fatty's picture


Right on.....that Twizzler trail is a fun stretch.....there is more out there I would like to explore and open up. I am glad that Welshy was able to find it again.

Yes I do know Rockbottom and have run it with a friend, its a good climb and tight in spots.....I dont know Warthog though.....so now I want to know!!!!

Those roof baskets gotta go for some of the trails around here.....just so much blowdown.

Wish I could have joined you guys.... just have so much to do to get ready for a weekend of wheeling in Powell River with another club in 2 weeks.

welshy's picture

Gwyn price

check image gallery

Fatty's picture


I need to check that image gallery more often.....there is some great pics in there....looked like fun

Wayne Penna's picture

Victoria bc

How do you get to red balls trail near skutz falls on GPS

BeRadical's picture


Not the place for this discussion, but red ballz is gone it was an old school road deactivation with logs in a ditch to form a v. The area was heavily logged and even the caves are hard to find in the slash. The trail head is easy. Drive across the bridge in scutz falls go straight keep going straight then when the road seams to veer left keep straight then the road will look lie it ends keep straight you will find it

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