Side bay directions

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Rachelanne.Chuck's picture

Qualicum beach
Side bay directions

Hey wondering if anyone can give me some sort of direction when it comes to side bay (port Alice). Thanks

fx4's picture


PM me for directions

Moose's picture


Thanks Jonathan, was also wondering about Side Bay. Hopefully there's access and no closures etc.

fx4's picture


I'll sit down with my map book this evening and see if I can get you guys some half decent directions.

I'm going to private message the directions to both of you, because this is one of the most pristine and beautiful camp spots on the island and I don't want this place getting ruined.

If anyone else wants directions please message me.

Rachelanne.Chuck's picture

Qualicum beach

We ended up finding our way ! But thanks so much we used a back roads map and then 1/2 way there it started having signage for side bay !!!

fx4's picture


That's great! It's a beautiful place isn't it? Was there many people camping there?

Rachelanne.Chuck's picture

Qualicum beach

Yeah there were a few groups but still so amazing !!!

Skyhigh's picture

Leah Simonovic

I’m off to Side Bay and was hoping someone could PM me directions. I have it mapped out but I’m just looking to really confirm before the 6hr drive.

Matchayan's picture

Harold Eglinski
Qualicum Beach

There is two ways into side bay take the longer one.we just did both in Sept and with recent storms some of the short way could be sketchy. Ask at the gas station and they will give yo the directions. [ the short way took us over 5 hours of serious driving , long way was 3 hours]..

Matchayan's picture

Harold Eglinski
Qualicum Beach

Side bay

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