Let me start from the beginning.
I've been wheeling a '93 pickup for almost 2 years now, and it was great. Not once did it leave me stranded. Countless camping trips and 4 wheelin days. It was named Stump Grinder, as it once fought a stump and lost.
Fender install
Another great camp spot
Dirt roads.
Then on our way home from a road trip, the engine started getting a mean shake to it. Burnt #5 valve. So it was limped home, and parked outfront.
The decision was made to rebuild the motor. But in the meantime, I needed another weekend camp rig.
Bring forth the 4Runner, Stump Runner. The day I brought it home:
1996, manual transmission, R. diff lock. Previous owner started spray painting it black. Frame had a couple rusty spots, but a wire wheel made them disappear. The tan color didnt sit well with me, so the painting continued.
And that brings me to now. Bilstein/OME lift has been ordered from Westshore spring & 4x4, body lift is in the mail, CB radio is sitting in the passenger seat, roof basket on backorder. Give it a couple weeks and it'll be ready to hit the trail!
Should be a very capable rig, I've been wheeling with numerous and have seen first hand what they can do...if I ever decide to give up my jeep my next choice would be 4runner I think.
Picked up a new (used) gas tank skid plate and installed it today. I'm surprised the gas tank didnt fall off while driving home...
Also my body lift arrived in the mail today, That'll be tomorrow project.
Made a sleeping platform for the back. It folds out when the backseats are collapsed. Also got the CB hooked up.
Still waiting on suspension parts from west shore spring 4x4.
I like that sleeping platform - I've been wanting to do something similar but haven't gotten around to it. How much weight would you say it adds?
The sleeping platform adds very little weight, maybe 20 lbs. it's just a few pieces of 2x10, and a sheet of 5/8ths MDF. I went with MDF as its smooth and paintable, but I'm sure plywood would also work fine. The slides retract in and allow the passenger seats to fold back up for use. The 2x10 is just tall enough to allow Rubbermaid tubs to fit underneath, but doesn't compromise headroom much for sittin upright.
Up next is a roof basket, which I got on super sale at princess auto. The truck doesn't have roof racks yet, which will be the next thing to track down.
Finally got the lift components, and over the weekend got everything installed.
Compressing the old springs, a bit terrifying, needed to reuse the old top plate.

Old vs new

Lift complete!
Snorkel arrived, had to throw that on.

And a little Lake Oliphant shakedown, What a blast to drive! suspension worked great, very flex compared to the pickup.

Doing a road trip to the Kootenays this week, gonna hit some trails there and give it a thorough test!
Up next: Bigger Tires!
Well just returned from a week of dirt roads in eastern BC. Such different scenery then the island! 4Runner worked great.
Nice! What lake is that?
It's called trout lake, and it's in the goat range national park, which is just north of Kaslo. It's about 60km long, with great camping along it.
Added a rear latch doodad so I can open the rear door from the inside. Sleeping in the back is great, but a bit cramped having to get in and out via the side doors. Bicycle shifter cable and a hose clamp solved it.
Thats great. Was gonna do the same thing to my pathfinder while I had it.
looking pretty good dude!
good looking 4runner
Plenty of changes in the last few weeks, updates to come...are those tires in the back of my truck?

Wheels done.

Rocksliders are being painted, and blew both CVs, so will be rebooting them.
Hey! Just bought a '96 4runner and was looking at the toytec body lifts as well. However, the shipping costs almost outweighed the price of the kit! How much did you end up paying?
I paid I think 100$ including shipping, I bought it off a member of a different forum. You could try ordering it through west shore spring and 4x4 in Langford, might save some shipping $$
looks good man! nothing better than fresh new parts... its so addicting