Hidden waterfall spot

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theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley
Hidden waterfall spot

One of the most sought after destinations in the mid Island, the hidden waterfall is moderate access route that takes you to a large sprawling waterfall with huge sandbars. This is a good spot for taking a dip on a hot day and getting some sweet poser shots on the rocks.

The trail in is tight and you'll get some BC pinstriping, but probably no body damage. There is one moderate steep climb out of a road deactivation that some people will get hung up on, but if you can't make it you can park the vehicle and walk the rest of the way. There is also a crossing at the very end which will only be doable certain times of the year due to water level. The rest of the trail is mostly flat, if a bit tight.


GPS file (Google Earth): 
theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

More photos

Branderson250's picture


Yes I did! Unfortunately my trucks pretty stock and I wasn’t able to make it up the last hill climb… had to walk in to see the waterfalls and the river would’ve been to high to drive through at the time. Such an amazing spot though

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

Awesome, glad to hear it. Yea that last little section can be tricky for sure, luckily it's not too far from the falls.

jam's picture


I too would love to find this, if anyone can shoot me GPS coordinates or another clue.

Is the hill climb beyond a 4Runner, you think?

jam's picture


That was a superb location, but like you I had to walk the last section. I didn't want to risk getting stuck on the final hill and so didn't even give it much of a go. Next time I bring traction boards, which might help. But the water was perfect for a swim.

CanadianCoast's picture


alright one more person asking for some cords or directions, haven't done to much north/mid island exploring but want to get up that way more hoping to find somewhere nice with the GF this weekend, thank you in advance!

CanadianCoast's picture


Went there on the long weekend, was a great time even though it was pretty busy!

also as a reminder, always think about where you are parking/setting up camp! over night got a bunch of rain and 2 trucks woke up to water running under their trucks lol as seen in the before and after photos

Van Isle Adventuring's picture


Hey there!!, yeah I've been wanting to visit this amazing spot forever! But I haven't found the coordinates or directions yet. Can anyone help me out aswell? That'd be awesome!

rodamp's picture

Rodamp Pinote

Hello, I’ve been trying to find this place as well, can anyone send me the coords please

Raffi's picture


Can someone send me coordinates I’m trying desperately to find this magical place … much appreciated

Zek's picture


Brand new here, from Victoria. Coincidentally have been researching trying to find this spot prior to joining. If anybody is willing to share the GPS coordinates it would greatly be appreciated!

shothao's picture


Hi guys. Brand new here from Minneapolis. I have been looking for this hidden place for quite sometime. My wife and I wanted to come visit B.C in July of 2023 if some one could kindly message me with coordinates. Thanks in advance.

Brad17's picture


Hey, I’ve been trying to find this place. Anybody willing to share the location/coordinates with me? Much appreciated. Cheers

JDavidson's picture

Jaz Davidson
Vancouver Island

Would be keen as hell and grateful as feck to get the coordinates for this place!

she_explores_offroad's picture

TeriAnne Boucher
West Kelowna

I’ve been searching online a couple hours now and NO one wants to give the coordinates on any site 😢

BrandonDavid's picture

brandon sims

I would be absolutely honoured and humbled if someone could share this location with me.

Vanisle JK's picture


I really dont like that people feel the need to tease others with photos of places then dont say where these place are.
Places that are there for all to enjoy.
These falls are one of those places. Oh look people we camped here its really nice but sorry but we have decided that you are not worthy enough to know where it is.
This site is on crown land and in essence is owned by all British Columbians.
I see a lots of requests here from people asking how to get there. Ask no more i think I have been a member of the off-roading community long enough and I have been given locations time and time again by others. So I will do it here.
These falls are located on the upper Kennedy River where is t exits from Snag Lake in the Sutton Pass Area of Hwy 4 which goes to the Long Beach Region.
Not listed on maps and not named however most call them Upper Kennedy Falls.
Here are a few images of how you can find them the rest is for you to figure out and go out to explore.
They are upstream from Kennedy River Falls at the side of the Highway where everyone stops for pictures and swimming in the summer.

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

^ Agreed. I've hijacked the first post with full GPS route to these falls. They should be enjoyed by everyone, at least until Mosaic shuts them down.

Phillip489's picture

Victoria BC

thank you friends.
so many people have told me "go find it for yourself" which has always come off as "go f--- yourself" and i have never understood why people think it belongs to them and not their fellow enthusiasts.
... true if the place gets trashed a gate will be put up - but the more people we can get interested in 4x4ing the stronger the voice of this community will be and the higher the likelihood we can make an impact on policy.
hope to see the place enjoyed and preserved.
safe happy travels

Tf91's picture

Trav fwlr

Went out to find it last weekend.. it's really not that hard to find..if you get out there and explore a bit..but it's defintley a summer thing to make it out to..incredibly flooded out this time a year(shld of took the highway may be flooded signs as a redflag lol) flew my drone around a bit and found the spot, still was worth the trip. Least I know where to go for next time, when things dry up

Steven.4runner's picture

Steven young

Is this place still accessible looking at going on a trip over from the mainland in July

Renegade_G's picture

Gary Jones
Campbell River

Still a pretty fun and remarkable spot to go. Had a picnic with my wife and brother.

Great for swimming.

Was pretty sketchy at parts with a large truck.

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