Anyone going wheeling around Victoria, Duncan, Sooke on Sat. Nov 13?

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feipoa's picture

Anyone going wheeling around Victoria, Duncan, Sooke on Sat. Nov 13?

I'm looking to tag along if anyone plans to go wheeling Nov 13, Saturday. Thanks.

iruninca's picture


The forums are pretty quiet these days. Join the Vancouver Island Off Road Facebook group though, I saw some people planning runs on there.

feipoa's picture


I noticed that. What happened? I don't really use Facebook.

iruninca's picture


Yeah, me neither, but we're in the minority there haha. I've been forced to sign-up a fake account over there just to keep an eye on the VIO group and use Marketplace. Everyone just defaults to FB these days, so you miss a lot without it.

I might be up for a run next weekend. But I sold my 4runner and just have a stock Ford Ranger now, so it'll have to be pretty mellow wheeling. More like FSR cruising really. I don't want to start breaking stuff on my new rig quite yet hahah If the weather's nice I could bring my dirt bike and hit some real trails.

feipoa's picture


If you don't have a wheelin' 4x4 rig then I guess there's not much fun in FSR. My kids want stuff a little more exciting.

Facebook is just a fad that will fizzle out, like its predecessors.

iruninca's picture


Yeah, I hear ya. I'm riding my bike more these days. Hope you find a group to go out with! Cheers

Trackick's picture


Unfortunately I work Saturdays otherwise I would be down.

If you are interested, there is a group run out to the Mt. Bolduc plane crash tomorrow (11th) for a Remembrance Day service. Easy FSRs the whole way.

Believe the meetup is 9am at the Lake Cowichan Museum/Jakes on the Lake parking lot according to FB, good turnout expected

feipoa's picture


Thanks for relaying the information. As we don't get out much, we were hoping for some more challenging trails to entertain the kids. Thus I think we'll have to pass on this. I guess I need to get some Facebook account started if nobody is using this forum any longer.

Trackick's picture


There is still a couple of us that stick around here but yes the FB group unfortunately has all the action, as much as I hate the platform

feipoa's picture


I remember signing up for Friendster and Myspace accounts 20-ish years ago. Those platforms came and went. Everyone used to use AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc messengers; those came and went. I've pretty much avoided all this social hoopla since and I'm not sure if I can bring myself to use Facebook, just to have it flee. I hear on the news that Instagram and TikTok are already pulling ahead in this regard. I don't know how everyone has motivation to keep up with all this.

I still use IRC - maybe we need an IRC channel for group runs...

iruninca's picture


IRC! Haha I'd totally join that. I'm glad the forums are still here. I'll keep checking it as long as even a few people are using it.

theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley

Facebook largely killed the forum era. In fact even when I was originally building vioffroad it was coming on the tail of older groups like island4x4 which had been much bigger back in the day, but were already on the way out due to the social media effect. I personally dislike fb so I'll keep this site around regardless of how many use it. It's also good for archival purposes or googling certain trails and areas. I do miss the good old days of forums/IRC etc, but I don't think they're coming back. People seemingly prefer to be plugged in to the corporate machine.

feipoa's picture


I managed to sign up for a Facebook account and join the group, however I find the Facebook platform painfully difficult to use. Nothing is intuitive and it seems like I'm always clicking my way out of where I want to look, as if Facebook intentionally tries to change the user's focus to some other section of the site.

Where do the casual weekend outings get posted? Is it under the Events tab? If so, I don't see much in there. Someone mentioned seeing a run to the WWII plane rec site posted for 11 Nov, but I'm too antiquated to find even that posting. Help!

iruninca's picture


People post stuff in the Discussions area. I rarely see the Events section being used.

You’re right, Facebook pulls your attention in every direction at once.

Stay strong. Haha

Trackick's picture


Man those glory days of Island4x4 were so good. Spent a lot of my time in highschool browsing the forums, getting ideas, and having a laugh at all the attitude that people had when they were hidden behind a username. Some of the best shit talking to be had.

Yes most up to date trail run info is on the FB page. That is where we were arranging the Nov 11 run.

I'm with Shane, I never want to see the forum side of things die. This new obsession with having personal information posted everywhere for everyone to see, and it being expected as normal, is not my style and I try to avoid it if I can.

feipoa's picture


Alright thanks. The Discussion section seemed like such a mess to me - didn't think run plans would be buried in there. I guess my missed the social media storm and my brain is resisting the adaption. Time for me to check into the old folks home.

Nobody's doing anything on south island Saturday then? My wife has been getting on my case hard to "get out" and entertain the kids. Cabin fever setting in I guess.

Lauchlin's picture

Duncan bc

I go up Sicker most week ends sun day normally or Breton sometimes or out to old Bomber crash sites or some were out there ......And never joining face book bla lol

feipoa's picture


Pardon my ignorance, but would those be west of Duncan? If towards Nanaimo, that's a bit too far for us.

iruninca's picture


Brenton and Sicker are west of Chemainus, just past Duncan. The bomber crash is out by Lake Cowichan. The only closer place to find some wheeling might be out past Burnt Bridge in Shawnigan Lake, though its mostly dirt bike tracks and logging roads out there.

Lauchlin's picture

Duncan bc
feipoa's picture


Thanks. I will probably hit you up for a tag along to Mt. Sicker some weekend. This weekend I may be reprimanded for Christmas light installation duty though.

Have you been to the Mt. Whymper crash site?

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