Can we all try to find a time that we could just hit a logging road or trail and keeping in mind social distancing just have a get together. Tail gate style. Not even sure if I’ll be able to make it but I think it’s important. May 3rd Sunday. Hope you can make it. We will make it a friendly ride for everyone. If there are enough folks we can have the more capable rides on separate trails but no man/woman left behind. Let do this
I'm game! I have no rock sliders on at the moment so something nice and simple would be cool, next weekend maybe? Or if any1 else isnt working I'm free all week except Thursday
This month I am off Thursday 23
Thursday 29 and Friday 30th
Should get my next month schedule soon.
Where were ya thinking?
Play it by ear. See who all wants in and where they are coming from. Try to make it so everyone is able. I can trailer my rig if necessary and I don’t mind at all if it’s easy going. Just want to get out and enjoy. Copper Canyon, Northwest Bay, are in my area but would love to see some new terrain.
I could be into that if I have my rig buttoned back up by the end of the month.
That’s great Simon. Are you making some mods or just maintaining? Should we head up Hill 60? I haven’t been.
Few things, halfway through a transmission swap and doing some maintenance work mainly. Not much left to do so hopefully up and running soon. I've been stuck in the shop chasing driveline gremlins for a long time now so it would be nice to try and get out.
Hill 60 is definitely an option. I have a couple buddies who know that area and trails very well that would probably be down to tag along as well
Ok been their for sure when it comes to having your head buried in sand for too long. Love it and hate it. Projets all ways seem to drag on at the end.
See what other’s think of hill 60 but I’m down if it works for enough folks.
hill 60 is great fun, I would be keen if you guys are planning something
I’m in! Basically stock truck though, so take it easy on me :)
Definitely down but well see what the rigs bring.....
Awesome sounds like hill 60. I should have my May schedule in the next few days hopefully. Are most you guys working still or can it be weekdays.
Only working Thursdays for a couple weeks
I am in! Totally new to the Island, mildly lifted truck, no sliders, and I am still working weekdays.
So go easy on me too!! But Hill 60 sounds fun!
self employed, so I can usually take off for a few hours any time I want.
I'm working still, but off Fridays and Sundays.
I'm off this weekend and would like to go out. I'm new to the island but if you want to set up a time and a meeting point let me know!
So shall we set a date for SUNDAY, should be decent weather. Sunday HILL 60, 10AM?? more capable rigs leading the way. I have no sliders and sounds like a couple other lads have fairly stock vehicles, so we'll go slow and easy. Any1 have a problem with sunday 10am?
Im also planning to check out Cumberland to Port Alberni logging road, I heard its a great drive with 1000s of camping spots, which is what im looking for for the summer, more a scouting trip if any1 wants to join in on that. may or may not be a gate in the way tho, not sure yet.
Like I said in the first post don’t wait for me. Still waiting for my May schedule and the only days I have off this month are 29th 30 Wednesday Thursday. Get out and enjoy while you can.
Sunday April 26 at 10 am for hill 60. Sounds good to me!
Now being new to the Island. Where is Hill 60? Lol Is there staging area or a gas station people usually meet at first?
I am leaving out of Victoria so I could also tail someone from here too.
Ok found the link on the forum here! So just off hwy 18 in the Cowichan lake area. Should be able to find that.
This will be fun!
Ok just got my May schedule. Days off are
1 to 4 Fri to Mon
11 12. Mon Tué
17 18 Sun Mon
23 to 26 Sat to Tue
Let me know what day would work
Saturday the 3rd if that works I want to do something. Hill 60 or possibly Sunday
So are we meeting up this Sunday, been aching to get out again.
Hey Dave I personally can’t get out this Sunday but Other members are going I believe. I am going in May either 2nd or 3rd
Maybe you guys should start a April 26 hill 60 thread to keep it simple
Yup. Sounds to me like there is enough of us to go and bail each other out if required!
I am going to be at the turnoff of hwy 18 to the FSR that leads to the Hill 60 route for 10 am Sunday morning. According the BRMB book there are multiple roads to get to the main trail so I figure I will wait before the first Y.
Thanks for posting your May schedule Rob. Looks like there are a couple Sundays and the Victoria Day Mon that I may be able to go on one of those. I will have to see what is happening in my May to know for sure which one I may be able to go. I will let you know
Sounds good take some pics and share them for us working idiots lol
Ha! Will do.
Updated May 3 Sunday Social distance but let’s meet wheel and enjoy the day. No man/ woman left behind so bring what you got and let’s leave it cleaner than we found it.
I'm down for another run this weekend!
Count me in! Where are we going? Lol
Hey can you guys point out the the meeting spot on May 3rd Sunday 10 am? can you send exact coordinates via google maps? Signed up the other night and really excited to test out the stock rubicon (trail virgin) (the wife had a 2014 Sahara and fell in love with wranglers since then)
Is there mandatory stuff should bring? sorry never gone out to the bushes
Welcome! Last weekend was my first time out, and I'm hooked. You're going to love it. I don't think this weekend's location has been decided yet. Keep an eye on this thread for info.
I have a basic kit that I always keep in the truck:
- First aid kit
- Some basic tools
- Tow rope
- Extra oil and coolant
- An air pump. Just a cheapo 12V one will do the trick, but some people get fancy air compressors to save time.
- Spare tire and tools to change it
- Tire repair kit, the plug kind so you can plug it without having to take your tire off the rim
- Flash light and extra batteries
- fire extinguisher
I think that's basically all I carry! And some food and water of course :) Last weekend I forgot water and we were on the trail for a 6+ hours. Not ideal haha. See you out there this weekend!
Here's the coordinates to hill 60,
as for stuff to bring, food and water is always goo to have, any recovery gear you might have, recovery straps, shovel, pick ax, maybe some hand tools. there should be a lot of gear among us to help each other out, I find people don't mind sharing/helping as long as people aren't mooching or not bringing some of their own gear out. More you go out you'll find out what might be useful to get.
However if you got some money to burn, getting a winch is a good thing to get.
Also if you are afraid of scratching up your paint on your Rubicon, you might not want to come out, but you'll miss out on a bunch of fun
Where are you guys thinking?
I’d be fine with Hill 60 again if that’s the vote. But I’d prefer to do something new! What about the sky deck or whatever it’s called? Or I heard something about Holly Creek being an option, but I don’t know anything about it.
I'd be up for somewhere new, but hill 60 is always fun
I am down with wherever. It’s all new to me! Lol
Should we try the higher elevation runs? The snow may not be quite as deep as it was a few weeks ago.
Lance you may be the one to fill us in since you were probably the last one to check it out.
I'm hoping to come but if not, I'd recommend the Skutz area or wandering around past Cowichan. Nanaimo Lakes gates may be open too (would have to check Mosaic).
I heard they shut the barsby gate and bypass....
Dunno yet about higher elevations, haven't been up since about a month ago now
thank you for compiling this list :) - will need to do some shopping in the next couple of days i guess. will def bring a big jug of water
thank you for the exact coordinates :)
winch will be next on thing i will get installed once economy is back to normal - currently laid off :( so i figured why not take the wranglers out to the bushes for the first time during all this free time
paint scratches aint no biggie :)
Hey I know some of you already did the hill 60 but I haven’t and would like to check it out. 10am sounds about right. Gives folks from North and South time to get there.
In the near future.... I have a plan for a more technical route in mind but I want to do a little pokeing around to see if it’s still viable and what type of rig would be capable. Feels like Christmas is coming 4 more sleeps
Ok cool! Hill 60 it is! Dave is right it looks like there is fun to be had there whenever. Lots of off shoots to see where they go. And the fact that it ties into all those other trails is sweet too!
Party on!
Sounds good! Hill 60 at 10am Sunday.
I'm in, see ya at 10am! If anyone wants to convoy out from vic we can meet at the shell near the harley dealership around 8:30am
Sounds great! I’ll meet you there again at the Shell!
I'm working this weekend unfortunately but if you guys are still out past 1pm and are still going strong I might join after work
Fantastic! Just stumbled across this forum site today. Signed up just now. Looking forward to meetin y’all this Sunday.
Drive safe
Awesome! If you are from Victoria feel free to meet at the new Shell/Tim Hortons before Goldstream Park on Hwy 1!
The one near new Harley Dealer at 830 Sunday AM! Then we can all drive up together!
Glad to have another Toyota in the mix :) See y'all Sunday.
See ya there!
Yes gotta pump those Toyota numbers up - who else is gunna rescue all the others lol
Hahaha This is great! That’s a sweet new Tacoma by the way!
Sunday at the Shell there will be 2 of us for sure there that I know of. A beast of a 4 dr Jeep and a blue Lexus with a snorkel.
Awesome 😁 hopefully someone’s got a winch?!
So stoked on everyone being involved
See you at the trail head
noob question for tomorrow's run; i've been reading on the type of tire inflator that's good (VIAIR or anything that connect directly to the battery vs the 12V) and it's not cheap but i will end up buying one in the near future
since we're not going driving through sands or rock crawling; do you guys deflate your tires for just for better traction and ride comfort? i'm thinking of not deflating my tires tomorrow since i dont have an inflator yet but i do have the 35" mud terrain tires which should be fine right?
You’d probably be fine without airing down, but feel free to do it if you want to try it and borrow someones pump at the end! It definitely helps traction and comfort. Lowers the risk of a sidewalk puncture too. Also, there’s a bit of rock crawling :) some muddy hills and rock steps for sure.
And It might be muddy tomorrow after all that rain! Looking forward to it. We’ll see what that bog by the river is like. I could see winching happening haha
Funny you brought that up. My old compressor popped its pants a few months ago so I ended up being a Frankenstein one with me last week. But I was talking to Westshore Spring and 4x4 before that about the smittybilt high volume compressor. Their supplier instead sent a poison Frog. Lol. Quite the name but it is and specs are the same as the 8271 Sbilt (??) one. It is just yellow. About 50ish bucks cheaper then the Sbilt. It is also exactly like Dave’s blue Bulldog one he picked up and was kind enough to let me try it last week.
It pumps pretty quick, alligator clips to the bat and is supposed to have a 60 percent duty cycle. It is also about 100 bucks cheaper then the equivalentish Viair. And about 300 bucks cheaper then the single cyl ARB kit with hose and a storage tool box. Definitely not the quality but we will see!
And while there I picked up ARB s tire deflater tool.
Feel free to take a look at the stuff tomorrow !
So that’s my pre review and take on the stuff so far.
Wish I could make it out, but I can't come tomorrow. Hope y'all have a great time!
As for airing down, it's just worth it; smoother ride, less chance of damage as mentioned, and good for your pup if you have one. You can pick up a Motomaster air compressor for $100+ish at Canadian Tire and it'll do the trick. Takes maybe a bit longer but it shuts off after each tire is done and works great every time.
I was literally just looking at that one! It's on sale for $80 right now.
I use one built into the diehard battery bank / car starter / air compressor. Also slow, and large. But nice digital display you can set to certain pressure and leave it to do its thing.
You’ll see me with her tomorrow
$135 CAD
Lexus -
CJ -
Tacoma & CJ -
Grand Cherokee -
4Runner -
Tacoma & CJ -
Winch part 1 -
WInch part 2 -
Baptism of the trail virgin -

**special thanks** (sorry i forgot everyone's names)
thank you white jeep for showing us around and guiding everyone through each obstacle (also for finding my keys and teaching me how to work the air compressor)
thank you tacoma and lexus for helping me break the security lock on my "stolen" air compressor lol
thank you to the guys who recommended the canadian tire motomaster air compressor - works like a gem - pretty fast to fill up the tires
thank you for bringing enough deer jerkeys for everyone CJ
Awesome pics and videos! You’re now our official videographer, whether you like it or not! Haha
Pics for the forum gallery
Awesome footage. Another good looking run.
And Lance, always winching out Grand Cherokees. Nothing new there!
looked like a good convoy when i saw you guys on sicker. Nice pictures.
You guys are animals! Sweet day seriously impressive. My pics suck in comparison
Another great day out on the trails! It was great meeting new faces and seeing the other new face a from last week!
Holy crap though! I didn’t even get my amateur pics up from last Sun!! Lol. Great job with the videos Karol!
And Rob. Your pictures are way better than mine! Lol
Has this already happened anything happening next weekend would love to do hill 60 sounds fun and awesome friendly
Shout me a text or if anything is being planned
Was a lot of fun friends ! Really appreciated the confidence & guidance EH, thanks for the amazing photos too! Let's do it again soon. Tomorrow? :)
You’re planning for tomorrow ?
Today was amazing thanks guys for making it an awesome day and for all the help
I can go next weekend anyone planning
HMU (250)-532-5485
This run happened yesterday Mdawg, but keep an eye on the forums for the next one, or start a new thread if you want to plan another run! Cheers!
What the heck that looks sweet! Awesome pictures, not very often there's such a good turnout from a forum post on here, love it. So bummed I couldn't make it again.
Canuck I'm really digging that Lexus, looks like it puts in work.
Yes! We lucked out! 2 nice weekends in a row! Hopefully soon you’ll get those bugs sorted and get out!
Lol. Yes I really do like that GX. It is holding up well! In North America we get the Lexus GX and a V8. Overseas it is the “light duty” Landcruiser wagon called the Prado 120 and has the 4.0 V6 petrol or a 2.8 or 3.0 4 cy turbo diesel. Man if I could get all the Landcruiser badging and a rear door with the spare tire carrier here for a reasonable price that would be awesome! Ah hell while I am dreaming I may as well get the factory rear 70 L fuel tank setUp too and the rear diff lock too! Hahaha. The factory e locker diff isn’t horrible to source here though. Some 4runners and FJCruisers have the parts to bolt in.
My bad on the history lesson/ wish list! Lol
It was an awesome time and can’t wait to go again!