Cougars at forbidden plateau

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theshanergy's picture

Alberni Valley
Cougars at forbidden plateau

Just came across this video from a guy on the Island - pretty crazy. I never see cougars out in the bush, though I know there are lots out there. This guy got real lucky to see three that close. Seems like pretty odd behaviour for them to just hang around him like that. This was at forbidden plateau, up in the comox lake area.

Webgpn's picture

Glenn Bint

Was all over the news.....crazy

BeRadical's picture


A good reminder that we should all be carrying bear spray or some other anti wildlife type stuff. Had he been preoccupied trying to recover himself from a poor desition/ or rigging up to take a scetchy path he would have been overtaken before he new what hit him.... very odd behavior indeed.

Webgpn's picture

Glenn Bint

About 15 years ago I asked an old very experienced trapper what type of bear spray to use. He practically laughed me out of the building. He said your best "legal" defence is a flare gun/pistol and possibly airhorn
All stuff I used to carry in my boat. I never hit the woods without my flare gun. I've experimented with this. Extremely effective. I did ask him about possible fire risk and to quote him " when one of those big boys are charging you...fu#k the fire risk". Nuff said.

aaol1's picture


Wow that's crazy, I heard about this!! Usually they are solitaire animals, like most big cats, this is impressive!

Trackick's picture


That was a crazy vid for sure. That one just sitting there so close and staring must have been pretty unnerving

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