Howdy all. Bernard here. Been on the island for about 1.5 years now and finally picked myself up a 4x4. 1995 Yukon stock at the moment but getting upgrades starting with a bumper and Warn 8274 winch (just picked them up). Tires and small lift will be next. Years ago I used to wheel in Waiparous with a 1998 Lada Niva. I've been pretty much out of the scene for the last 8 years. Eager to get back into it. I'm based out of Nanaimo but I'm not scared to travel to get to a trail.
I'm busy until about 11 on Saturday.
Howdy all. Bernard here. Been on the island for about 1.5 years now and finally picked myself up a 4x4. 1995 Yukon stock at the moment but getting upgrades starting with a bumper and Warn 8274 winch (just picked them up). Tires and small lift will be next. Years ago I used to wheel in Waiparous with a 1998 Lada Niva. I've been pretty much out of the scene for the last 8 years. Eager to get back into it. I'm based out of Nanaimo but I'm not scared to travel to get to a trail.
I'll be installing my winch and bumper on my Yukon this weekend so I should be ready for a rip. Any idea where you are planning on going?
I'm fairly new to the island also and would like to get back into doing some wheeling. No idea where to go though.