Langford is getting pretty built up kind of like 4x4 in Victoria..Lots of places to go up the Island Mt Sicker is just one of many many places around Cowichan Valley ..Look here easy one won't scratch your truck on route you will find enough roads to keep you busy for some time ............
I would be shocked if you could not make it now
if ya like a small hike easy to get to there this one also ........... and there is more never seen a locked gate yet well maybe fire season....
Langford is getting pretty built up kind of like 4x4 in Victoria..Lots of places to go up the Island Mt Sicker is just one of many many places around Cowichan Valley ..Look here easy one won't scratch your truck on route you will find enough roads to keep you busy for some time ............
Been there many times Byron is my brother in law
146.460 is in the Ham radio 2 meter band and lads well are just lads which technically you are supposed to have a license to uses ..........