Hillbilly DLX


Member for
10 years 3 months
'97 4Runner Limited, 89 Toyota Pickup DLX (sold)

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Went for a quick rip up around the Lantzville heights and behind to test out the locker I installed last week and was very impressed with its performance. Great view from up top despite the rain and cloud. Would've taken pictures but the camera on my phone was givin me grief.

10 years 2 months ago in B&M's XJ fun.

Lemme know when you're all ready to wheel again in January and we'll hit the trails.

10 years 3 months ago in New Member

Close, it's a LockRight but by the looks of it the spartan are pretty much the same thing. It's going in the rear diff tonight, just have to get the kids in bed then I can finally get to finishing the install.

10 years 3 months ago in New Member

Hi Jake,

I'm in Coombs and I've found some trails up behind the Hillers area and am looking for someone to check them out with. My truck is in the shop right now, got my 3rd member in a coffee can right now. Midway through a locker install. Hope to finish it tonight once the kids are asleep. PM me if you have time to go wheelin next week!

10 years 3 months ago in Mid Island?

Thanks. I'll be sure to keep an eye out to any new posts. Don't go back to work until January so I'd like to get some wheelin in before then. Tomorrow's mission will be to install my locker (early Christmas present to myself) that finally arrived today.

10 years 3 months ago in New Member